Ru's News for Yous

Don't worry, it's just the newsletter you signed up for.

Hello, hello!

Welcome to my very first newsletter! Nothing's set in stone, so I'll figure this out as I go along. I'll probably treat it as a blog that gets occasionally updated and sent directly into your inbox! What you'll see will be the abridged version of my Patreon and Ko-fi feeds.

If, however, you want to follow my projects more closely, you can check out my:

  • PATREON - Weekly Snapshots, drawing streams, and more! You'll get to see stuff I haven't announced yet from beginning to end!

  • KO-FI - Weekly Snapshots are collected into one long Monthly Snapshot! (Same content but fewer posts)

So, what's new with Ru?

Since 2020, I've been working on a new graphic novel series I've been calling Secret Comic Project. I mean, y'know, because it hasn't been announced yet, lol... I finally turned in all 206 pages for volume 1. Huzzah!

Now, I'm in the process of thumbnailing volume 2! Wow, comics take so long to make. But it's a delight to actually be making one that resembles the shonen manga I grew up with. :)

Here are some thumbnails and doodles, a casual look at my work desk, lol!


In Kickstarter news...

For those of you awaiting Patrick Halliday's debut as a cover model, please check out the latest KS update for Saint for Rent: Volume 2 backers.

The first couple of waves of fulfillment are under way, and I've been super excited to see all these fantastic pics of your goodies! :D

SfR Volume 2 goodies!

Until next newsletter! ( oDo )/

Shopping Links

DFTBA - Do you like physical merch? Well, this is the place for you! Books, acrylic goods, stickers, and prints! Some of it even comes signed! Yay! / Gumroad - For the PDF connoisseurs, I deliver the fine wares of my indie work.

Hivemill - Saint for Rent prints and mugs! Contemplate time travel while enjoying your hot beverage.


or to participate.