October Valentine's Day 🎃 ❤️ Just kidding

Don't worry, it's just the newsletter you signed up for.

Besties going trick or treating long before the latest chapter in Status Royale!

Hey howdy, it’s spooky month! And I’ve got some updates for you! 🎃

Status Royale Volume 1!

That’s right, folks! VIZ revealed the cover for Volume 1 of Status Royale! 📚️ 

The physical edition is set to hit shelves in the US on February 13th, 2024 — just in time to get your Valentine a nice red book about the dissolution of a friendship! 😍 

I also released a Monthly Report detailing the process of designing this cover for Mysterious Traveler+ tiers on my Patreon + Ko-fi.

What it could’ve looked like!

Patreon is where I post weekly updates about what I’ve been working on. Ko-fi is the same concept, but all the updates are rounded up into one post at the end of the month, if you prefer less notifications! These days, you can see me working on Volume 2! 😙 

Status Royale Chapters 3 + 4 are up!

What kind of rematch is this?!

Remember, Status Royale updates on the VIZ Manga App on the first Friday of every month! 😄 (Although, I do post sneak peeks of the first few pages each month for the Mysterious Traveler+ tiers, hehe~)

Until next newsletter!

Shopping Links

DFTBA - Do you like physical merch? Well, this is the place for you! Books, acrylic goods, stickers, and prints! Some of it even comes signed! Yay!

itch.io / Gumroad - For the PDF connoisseurs, I deliver the fine wares of my indie work.

Hivemill - Saint for Rent prints and mugs! Contemplate time travel while enjoying your hot beverage.


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